Sunday, April 21, 2013


Suvidha Sewa Pvt. Ltd. (SSPL) is a leading Recruiting and Staffing company in Nepal. It connects employers and job seekers with most suitable opportunities and candidates available in the job through its comprehensive suite of services.  It also conducts walk-in interviews on every Mondays and Thursdays in an effort to offer employment opportunities to more & more job seekers. The interview takes place in Suvidha Sewa’s own premises and runs between 11:30 am to 2:00 pm.

Interested candidates can visit Suvidha Sewa on said days and time for interview but only after enrolling their names and numbers one day prior to every interview day. No interviews or calls related to it shall be entertained by Suvidha Sewa during holidays. This walk-in interview is primarily intended towards identifying eligible candidates to bring them together with potential job in future days.
For any queries or comments please write to Suvidha Sewa at (or you can directly forward your updated resume to this email address)